I have an important announcement to make. It has not been easy but it is important to the future of this website and DreadLĂ©vi.
Since I made my art a full time job, I feel very lucky for all the opportunities I have had. Winning Manga Jiman in 2022 with Out of the Dark had meant my gambit of leaving my old job had paid off, and I have felt proud to call myself an Award Winning Manga Artist. As far as I can remember it’s the first time I have ever come first in anything, and it felt like I had really found something where I truly belonged. The circles and networks that I am a part of have helped me to grow as an artist in London, and helped me in turn to achieve my dream of starting my original manga series Visions of the Phantomfield. Regardless of what happens I am going to continue working hard on that.
What I have had to face is that my commissions are no longer enough to keep me going. I know I am not the only one who is going through this, especially with the state of the economy and how expensive things have become. To top it all off, there are family issues I am facing at home that are making it more difficult to dedicate myself completely to art, and I am fearful that I could lose an important safety net at any given time. I am not even entirely sure how many conventions I can do during the year, though I am going to book for a couple of big ones where I can. The important thing is that I am going back into full time work, this time with a different museum, and I am hoping that it will help give me some peace while I work things out.
With that being said, I am still working on Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2. I have ended up rewriting a couple of chapters but I think overall it will turn out much better. In the end I don’t want to rush it and give you all a bad manga. I’m hoping to have it out later this year, I just need to clear up a few things along the way.
Thank you everyone for your patience and I look forward to sharing more soon. There are plenty of shabbits left on sale.
Upcoming events (confirmed)
None Currently – Updates will be announced on social media and website