Hey everyone. Just a quick update and a belated thank you to everyone who visited me at ACME Autumn Comic Con in Glasgow. I had a fun time and it was nice to meet new fans and people who remembered my old work. We were able to give 4 Shabbit plushies a new home too! It was really nice being back in Glasgow, and while I was hoping not to get post-con flu, I did end up getting the ill the following week (Just as I was starting to get back into commission work too…)

At this present time I have no other events for the rest of the years. There is some admin and family stuff I have to deal with, as well as recouping costs for a lot of expensive things. Looking ahead I was hoping to have my second Shabbit comic ready in time for January, but I think with everything going on that I will have to delay its release by a few months to being sometime in the first quarter of next year. I will be posting updates as I get closer to completing it, but talking to fans it’s clear that they don’t want me to rush it, and I would rather deliver a polished comic in the end. I hope there will be a time when I get one of these out once a year, but for now I hope you’ll be patient.

I will be looking at more events next year too. I have had good recommendations about Monopoly events, and I am hoping I will be in a better position to do more abroad. I feel bad that I won’t be attending Malta Comic Con this year, but I hope to return again next year.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time


Hi everyone! This month has been a bit crazy for me, and a large part of it comes down to the problems I had with my laptop and graphics tablet a couple of weeks ago. I have noticed recently that my laptop was experiencing a bit of slowdown and I was starting to consider the need to get a proper desktop to replace it. Then I started getting unusual interference from my graphics tablet, and I became concerned there was an issue with connection. I tried various things, including getting a new cable for the tablet, replacing the laptop battery, updating and reinstalling drivers but in the end the problem seemed to be the hdmi port in the laptop itself. And so I bit the bullet and now I have a new ASUS desktop with all the trimmings. In some ways I wish I had done this before, and now that I have all the software here I can work on art again. Losing a week in work time has been a pain though, and now I’m catching up with commissions before I head off to Glasgow for ACME!

I’ll be at ACME on the weekend of the 28th-29th selling my comics and shabbits in their Comic Village at table CVA03! I’m really looking forward to being back in Glasgow and looking forward to having a couple of days to explore and have fun. For more details about the convention see the links below.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

ACME Autumn Comic Con Autumn 28th-29th September – Glasgow SEC – Comic Village CVA03

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time


Firstly a big thank you to everyone who visited me last month at Hyper Japan. It was great meeting so many people and having a chance to share so much of my work. I got some very positive feedback about my comics and it makes me very excited to continue work on Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2.

I have an upcoming event next weekend at the Cartoon Musuem, where I will be running a table as part of their small press event on Saturday 17th August. I will have the table between 12 and 1.30 and I’ll be selling copies of all my comics, plus Shabbit merchandise such as the Shabbit plushie and the new Shabbit tote bag. If you’re in the area please stop by and say hi! For more details see the link below.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Small Press Day – Cartoon Museum – Saturday 17th August 2024 12.00-1.30pm

ACME Autumn Comic Con Autumn 28th-29th September – Glasgow (More details will be announced closer to event)

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time


A quick update, as there’s been a couple of changes to plans since my last update a few months ago. First I will say that progress on the Shabbit side of things has been a little slow, but I have some big things coming soon (hopefully in time for Hyper Japan). I don’t want to give too much away but this little promo is a new piece of merch that I will excited to debut.

The Yokai March book I had plans to debut has been postponed. In the end I ran out of time to get the writing done, and I didn’t want to rush the process and bring out a substandard book. I hope to continue working on it after Hyper Japan, and then I can debut it at another show later in the year. I also want to sell more of my other yokai work to make room for the new.

I’ve put a few more events up. As well as doing Hyper Japan later this month, I am happy to say that I will be returning to Glasgow in September to sell my works. I’ve always wanted to do another convention up there and I look forward to seeing more of the city again. I’ve also signed up for Megacon London next year to go alongside Megacon Dublin, which is always a blast!

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Hyper Japan London 19th -21st July 2024 – Table A031, National Hall Gallery 1st Floor

ACME Autumn Comic Con Autumn 28th-29th September – Glasgow (More details will be announced closer to event)

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time


Just a quick update after my latest conventions at Megacon London and Megacon Ireland. The latter was a big success and it was great to see familiar faces again. Unfortunately I’m still recovering from some convention flu, and next month I’ll be away for a big family vacation so things will slow down a little.

I do have some big plans though. Already I have the working script for Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2, which will introduce a brand new dilemma for Capri and Lévi, and start them on a brand new adventure. Could this be the result of Capri’s mysterious request at the end of Book 1? You will have to wait and see ^^

As well as Phantomfield I will be looking to round off Yokai March with my final set of Yokai that will make up the second Ghostly Journey book. I hope to have these on display next March and that will allow me to get properly started on the book, which I hope to have ready either my May or July at the latest when we get Hyper Japan!

I’ll be posting more updates as we get closer to conventions later this year. I will be hopefully posting more of Visions of the Phantomfield on this site, but for now progress is a little slow while I sort other stuff out. Thank you to all those who have been supporting my work and for the nice comments I’ve been getting about the new comic, it means a lot!


Upcoming events (confirmed)

Hyper Japan London Summer 2024 – More details Coming soon


Hello everyone. I was really hoping to post this up sooner, but over the past month I’ve battled a cold, then full on sinusitus. It ended up slowing down a lot of my work but I’m much better now and I even managed to still get a small vacation to see my best frend out in Germany.

Starting with the good news, last month I got to join Nigel and Tazzii of Mayamada on their podcast! I’ve never done one like this before and I was really happy to chat to them about my manga journey and what it’s like being a manga artist. You can listen to the podcast. Follow the links below where you can listen to it on:

Apple Podcasts Here

Spotify Here

Tunein Here

Thank you guys for having me on, and please check out more of their awesome podcasts and their amazing projects!

Now with upcoming conventions and events, it appears my next event will be the Illustrators Fair in London in July. I’m very happy to be returning there, selling plenty of my large prints, my classic comics, and maybe some new Shabbit stuff too. I’ll be posting more details about it as I get closer to the event.

I know a few people have asked me if I’m coming to MCM London this month. Unfortunately at this time I am still on the waiting list and I’m beginning to doubt if I will be offered a table in the Artist Alley. The same goes for Thought Bubble too, which is really disappointing as I was hoping to have made enough progress with my art and social media. I am going to be looking at developing the online side of my art, build up more of a presence with my comic series. This site could probably do with some more content too, so I’m going to be brainstorming some new ideas and see what we can do to make the most of this site.

Also the Shabbit Comic, now known as Visions of the Phantomfield Book 1: Counting Shabbits is progressing nicely. We’re on track to have the first part fully inked and shaded this week, including this cover page. It may be possible that I will be releasing a two part edition for my next fair, depending on how far we get with part 2.

Yokai of the Month: Hakutaku (Chinese: Bái zé)

Claim your free Hakutaku when you spend £15 or more at the DreadLévi Etsy store (not including P&P)

From, DreadLévi studios I wish everyone a Happy New Year. It’s nice to have a refresh and get back into work, and right now I’m working on my various projects, including my big commissions and my Shabbit comic. This feels like a big year for Shabbits, being the year of the rabbit, and it’s renewed my efforts to get this project done in time for the big conventions later on in the year.

Speaking of conventions, later this month I will be running a table at Dublin’s Megacon between the 21st and 22nd. It’s my first time in Dublin and I will be excited to share my classic Yokai prints and comics with the people there. You’ll be able find me at the comic village at Table AD5 I’m also looking forward to a little bit of sightseeing and trying the local Guiness too!

Yokai of the Month: Furaribi (Aimless Fire)

After a successful convention at Malta Comic Con, I’m taking the time to get back into commissions and some big projects. This was my last convention for the year, but I do have one planned in January, where I will be selling at Megacon in Dublin! More details will come as we get closer to the event.

On my Etsy store I have some new things on offer, including the new Seasons of the Summer Island Manga (available with an adorable Meganeko pin badge). There is also a limited Yokai March bundle set which features the last 5 Kappa Omamori charms I have left in my stock. This one is a nice bundle for christmas. To top it all off I’ve started a new promotion where customers who spend over £15 (-P&P) will get a free specific Yokai March print while stocks last. Every month there will be a different Yokai print on offer, and this month we start with Furari-bi, one of my original prints based around the Japanese Will-o-Wisp. I only have three of these in stock so get them before they go!



A couple of quick notices this time as I prepare for Malta Comic Con 2022 at the end of the month. I will be wares there from the 29th to the 30th October, including the new anthology: Seasons of the Summer Island. This anthology brings together three short stories and some new bonus material previously not seen before. I’ve spent a fair bit of time tightening up the dialogue, even editing a couple of panels, and I will be updating the digital comics to reflect these changes soon. This anthology will be available on Etsy starting next week, and will available either as a stand alone book or as part of a deal with the Meganeko Pin Badge.

Speaking of comics I plan to finally upload the last story of my Manga Jiman anthology: Out of the Dark. This is the one that actually won 1st place in Manga Jiman and I hope people will find it useful to read through as an idea of what the judges are expecting. You can also find it on their own website here

Finally, I also want people to know that new Shabbit pin badges have arrived as part of the Shabbit Fan Pack on Etsy.


This weekend I will be exhibiting at MCM Comic Con London in the Artist Alley. My table number is E20 and you will be able to pick up many of my original artwork and manga, including my latest anthology: Rule of Three, a Manga Jiman Journey. I’m really happy to debuting it here at MCM, the first convention I ever attended and it will be a nice return after all these years in lockdown. For those who won’t be there, I will be putting up the comic on my Etsy store during this weekend. We also still have the exhibition of Manga Jiman competition winners at the Japanese Embassy, which will be on until mid June this year.

I look forward to seeing people there!