Mini-Update 24/02/2024

I’ve made some little tweaks to the website now. The banner isn’t working on all pages yet but I will be fixing that soon.

Chapter 1 of Visions of the Phantomfield is now online here at I’ve uploaded it as a preview for the series and I will not upload the rest until book 2 is out. I also fixed some little issues with the picture quality and the accompanying text. Expect more updates on Book 2 Soon.

Confirmed Upcoming Events

None Currently – Updates will be announced on social media and website


News 23/02/2025

I have an important announcement to make. It has not been easy but it is important to the future of this website and DreadLévi.

Since I made my art a full time job, I feel very lucky for all the opportunities I have had. Winning Manga Jiman in 2022 with Out of the Dark had meant my gambit of leaving my old job had paid off, and I have felt proud to call myself an Award Winning Manga Artist. As far as I can remember it’s the first time I have ever come first in anything, and it felt like I had really found something where I truly belonged. The circles and networks that I am a part of have helped me to grow as an artist in London, and helped me in turn to achieve my dream of starting my original manga series Visions of the Phantomfield. Regardless of what happens I am going to continue working hard on that.

What I have had to face is that my commissions are no longer enough to keep me going. I know I am not the only one who is going through this, especially with the state of the economy and how expensive things have become. To top it all off, there are family issues I am facing at home that are making it more difficult to dedicate myself completely to art, and I am fearful that I could lose an important safety net at any given time. I am not even entirely sure how many conventions I can do during the year, though I am going to book for a couple of big ones where I can. The important thing is that I am going back into full time work, this time with a different museum, and I am hoping that it will help give me some peace while I work things out.

With that being said, I am still working on Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2. I have ended up rewriting a couple of chapters but I think overall it will turn out much better. In the end I don’t want to rush it and give you all a bad manga. I’m hoping to have it out later this year, I just need to clear up a few things along the way.

Thank you everyone for your patience and I look forward to sharing more soon. There are plenty of shabbits left on sale.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

None Currently – Updates will be announced on social media and website


News – 12/04/2024

Greetings! There’s been quite a few things happening these past few months, including a trip out to India and Sri Lanka as part of a family wedding event. Both were new countries for me and I had a great time, even if I did have my phone stolen at the very end. Since I got back at the end of February I have been busy sorting out things in my life and getting back into commissions to get some income in. However, I will be getting into more of my own work too, especially as I get closer to my next big convention: Hyper Japan 2024!

Before that though, I am happy to announce that I will be involved in the upcoming Manga Cafe Takeover event happening in London on Saturday 27th April. Here I’ll be presenting a yonkoma and giving a little introduction along with other manga artists, and encouraging the audience to produce their own comics for the events. If you’re in London on that Saturday please check us out and follow the link here for tickets

Looking ahead, here are my plans for the next few months:

  • A new Yokai March book that will complete the series. A lot of Yokai March material, including the old print series, is going to be retired to make room for more original material, with more focus on both Visions of the Phantomfield and East of the Moon.
  • Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2 is currently being thumbnailed. My aim is to have it ready for October this year, which means I will need to speed up a little bit, but I would like to produce at least one of these books a year to keep the series rolling.
  • New Shabbit merchandise to compliment the books. My aim is to have some new merch ready for Hyper Japan in July. I am still finalising which pieces will go through, but I will be announcing more of them in the next few weeks.
  • More of Counting Shabbits to be uploaded here on

That’s all for now, I look forward to sharing more soon.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Manga Moo: The Manga Cafe Takeover Saturday 27th April – Get tickets here

Hyper Japan London 19th -21st July 2024 – More details Coming soon

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time


News 21/11/2024 – Black Friday Sale + Updates

Hello! I have a couple of new updates to share. Firstly I am happy to announce that the Black Friday sale has just started on my Etsy with 25% off when you spend £10 or more. This offer is available until the 28th November, so it’s a great chance to pick up some comics and prints, including the new Visions of the Phantomfield physical comic!

I have a bunch of new updates planned for this website, including putting the Counting Shabbits comic on here. I am also moving away from twitter to try and build a new following on blsky, so if you are on this social media platform please follow me

Also I have updated my events to included Hyper Japan for next year! More details will arrive soon!

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Megacon London 13th-14th January 2024 – Excel Centre


Megacon Dublin 20th-21st January 2024 – RDS Dublin


Hyper Japan London Summer 2024 – More details Coming soon

19/10/2023 – Malta Comic Con Confirmation and Shabbit Comic Physical Incoming

Hi everyone. This has come out quite a bit later than I would have liked, but this past month has been a bit up and down for me. I have had to take some time away from art for dealing with family matters. While I’m now getting a handle of things I am also catching up with art and preparing for my next convention in Malta! Yep, I am confirming that I am returning back to Malta Comic Con as an exhibitor there from the 28th-29th October! I’m looking forward to sharing my new Shabbit comic, which should be arriving in print form tomorrow! For those who can’t wait to get a copy, I will be putting them on Etsy later on this weekend and I will take orders for a few days before I head out to the convention.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Malta Comic Con 28th-29th October 2023 – MFCC in Ta’ Qali

Megacon London 13th-14th January 2024 – Excel Centre

Megacon Dublin 20th-21st January 2024 – RDS Dublin

01/09/2023 – Visions of the Phantomfield – Available to Read Online!

After many, many months toiling away, Visions of the Phantomfield 1: Counting Shabbits is now ready to read on my new Art Street account here.

The reason it is on there is that I have entered it into the Kyoto International Manga Competition as my first ever international entry. This has been a huge milestone for me, and I want to thank all my friends who have helped me with proofreading and feedback. In time it will be posted on this website, but for now I want people to visit it on Art Street and help give it plenty of attention. I do plan to upload more art there relating to the series, and maybe some more comics too!

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Megacon London 13th-14th January 2024 – Excel Centre

Megacon Dublin 20th-21st January 2024 – RDS Dublin

07/07/2023 – Illustrators Fair Summer 2023

Just a quick notice to let you guys know that I will be selling my comics and illustrations at the Illustrator’s fair on Saturday 8th July. It’s at Granary Square near King’s Cross Station, and I will be there among many talented artists from 11am to 5pm. I don’t know exactly which table I will be at until the day so I will be posting details on my social media platforms. If you’re in the area please check me out!

News and Upcoming Events (It’s almost my Birthday)

Greetings. It’s been very quiet here this month, but I have been busy working on some new projects. The big thing which people may have seen on instagram and twitter is my Shabbit comic, which is almost completely sketched. There’s going to be a lot of work involved in getting it ready by May but I think it’s still doable, especially if I don’t have to change too much in the sketches.

My next comic event planned is the Leytonstone Comic Fair, at The Birds Pub on Sunday 12th March. I’m really happy to have been invited to it, especially as I missed the last two. If you’re in the area please feel free to stop by! It’ll be open from 12-5pm.

News 01/09/2022

I’m happy to announce that the third and final story of Seasons of a Summer Island is now uploaded here on This is slightly different from the other stories, as it uses the yonkoma format instead of the usual comic format that you see in my other stories. I have released these as individual strips rather than whole pages so they should be easy to read, especially on phones.

I will also announce that I will be attending Malta Comic Con this coming October: This will be my first time doing a convention outside of the UK, and because of timing it means I won’t be doing MCM London Comic Con this October. It’s a shame that I will miss many of my regulars, but I hope next year I will be exhibiting again at MCM London in May. More details about Malta Comic Con will come as we get closer to the event.

News 09/08/2022

A little update after a busy July with conventions and personal family matters. Hyper Japan was fairly successful in terms of sales, especially comics, and looking at my current stock I’m thinking of what I will be focusing on for my next convention, which will hopefully be MCM London Comic Con in October (I have applied but I’m awaiting confirmation). A lot of people have asked about new books or things that will take over from older products. Books like Yokai March do take a while to produce so I will need to decide soon if I’m going for anything that big.

One thing I’m looking forward to returning to is my Shabbit project comic, which is currently in the sketching stage now that the thumbnails are done. It’s a big project but it will be great to finally have that done. But first I need to finish a certain poster…

In other news I have just uploaded some more of Seasons of a Summer Island. I plan to upload some more of that soon, but I’m also uploading the comic gradually on my old deviantart site.

I also plan to upload to upload my Manga Jiman Comic that won last year, so that it can accompany the other two on this website. For those who don’t know, the comic anthology is now available on my Etsy store here . I am not kidding when I say this printed copy is the best way to read it, in glorious A5 pages with that nice recycled paper for that old manga feel and good quality black and white printing.