Earlier this week I announced that I would be taking part in the Manga Jiman ceremony as one of the Top 10 Finalists. Now I am happy to announce that I finished in 1st Place with my manga “Out of the Dark”, which took me completely out of surprise. This competition had so many great entries and I congratulate everyone who has applied for it. For me it’s been a competition that has helped me to grow and develop as a manga artist. Still, there’s plenty more to work on, and in time I will be posting the winning comic on here too.
On April 3rd I will be selling my work at the Leytonstone Comic Fair, at the Birds Pub from 12pm to 5pm. This will be my first comic fair of the year and not too far away from where I live. I hope people in London will come along and say hi, it should be a nice fun event and you can pick a lot of my comics and prints.
Unfortunately I have been forced to cancel going to this event because of catching Covid-19 this week. It’s a real shame because I was really looking forward to attending. If you’re in the area, please come and support the comic creators at the Leytonstone Comic Fair, at the Birds Pub from 12pm to 5pm on April 3rd. I’m hoping this will be a regular event that I can take part in sometime in the future.