Just a quick update after my latest conventions at Megacon London and Megacon Ireland. The latter was a big success and it was great to see familiar faces again. Unfortunately I’m still recovering from some convention flu, and next month I’ll be away for a big family vacation so things will slow down a little.
I do have some big plans though. Already I have the working script for Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2, which will introduce a brand new dilemma for Capri and Lévi, and start them on a brand new adventure. Could this be the result of Capri’s mysterious request at the end of Book 1? You will have to wait and see ^^
As well as Phantomfield I will be looking to round off Yokai March with my final set of Yokai that will make up the second Ghostly Journey book. I hope to have these on display next March and that will allow me to get properly started on the book, which I hope to have ready either my May or July at the latest when we get Hyper Japan!
I’ll be posting more updates as we get closer to conventions later this year. I will be hopefully posting more of Visions of the Phantomfield on this site, but for now progress is a little slow while I sort other stuff out. Thank you to all those who have been supporting my work and for the nice comments I’ve been getting about the new comic, it means a lot!
Upcoming events (confirmed)
Hyper Japan London Summer 2024 – More details Coming soon