This is where the first chapter of Visions of the Phantomfield ends! I may post the rest of the comic here at a later time but if you want to read the rest now you can either continue reading online at GlobalComix or buy a physical copy on my Etsy store. Physical is the best way to read it in my opinion as you get the full experience of how it was intended to be read, plus it supports my work and the creation of future comics.



Latest Posts

Mini-Update 24/02/2024

I’ve made some little tweaks to the website now. The banner isn’t working on all pages yet but I will be fixing that soon. Chapter 1 of Visions of the Phantomfield is now online here at I’ve uploaded it as a preview for the series and I will not upload the rest until book 2 is out. I also fixed some little issues with the picture quality and the accompanying text. Expect more updates on Book 2 Soon.

Confirmed Upcoming Events

None Currently – Updates will be announced on social media and website

News 23/02/2025

I have an important announcement to make. It has not been easy but it is important to the future of this website and DreadLévi. Since I made my art a full time job, I feel very lucky for all the opportunities I have had. Winning Manga Jiman in 2022 with Out of the Dark had meant my gambit of leaving my old job had paid off, and I have felt proud to call myself an Award Winning Manga Artist. As far as I can remember it’s the first time I have ever come first in anything, and it felt like I had really found something where I truly belonged. The circles and networks that I am a part of have helped me to grow as an artist in London, and helped me in turn to achieve my dream of starting my original manga series Visions of the Phantomfield. Regardless of what happens I am going to continue working hard on that. What I have had to face is that my commissions are no longer enough to keep me going. I know I am not the only one who is going through this, especially with the state of the economy and how expensive things have become. To top it all off, there are family issues I am facing at home that are making it more difficult to dedicate myself completely to art, and I am fearful that I could lose an important safety net at any given time. I am not even entirely sure how many conventions I can do during the year, though I am going to book for a couple of big ones where I can. The important thing is that I am going back into full time work, this time with a different museum, and I am hoping that it will help give me some peace while I work things out. With that being said, I am still working on Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2. I have ended up rewriting a couple of chapters but I think overall it will turn out much better. In the end I don’t want to rush it and give you all a bad manga. I’m hoping to have it out later this year, I just need to clear up a few things along the way. Thank you everyone for your patience and I look forward to sharing more soon. There are plenty of shabbits left on sale.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

None Currently – Updates will be announced on social media and website

News 16/10/2024

Hey everyone. Just a quick update and a belated thank you to everyone who visited me at ACME Autumn Comic Con in Glasgow. I had a fun time and it was nice to meet new fans and people who remembered my old work. We were able to give 4 Shabbit plushies a new home too! It was really nice being back in Glasgow, and while I was hoping not to get post-con flu, I did end up getting the ill the following week (Just as I was starting to get back into commission work too…) At this present time I have no other events for the rest of the years. There is some admin and family stuff I have to deal with, as well as recouping costs for a lot of expensive things. Looking ahead I was hoping to have my second Shabbit comic ready in time for January, but I think with everything going on that I will have to delay its release by a few months to being sometime in the first quarter of next year. I will be posting updates as I get closer to completing it, but talking to fans it’s clear that they don’t want me to rush it, and I would rather deliver a polished comic in the end. I hope there will be a time when I get one of these out once a year, but for now I hope you’ll be patient. I will be looking at more events next year too. I have had good recommendations about Monopoly events, and I am hoping I will be in a better position to do more abroad. I feel bad that I won’t be attending Malta Comic Con this year, but I hope to return again next year.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

News 23/09/2024

Hi everyone! This month has been a bit crazy for me, and a large part of it comes down to the problems I had with my laptop and graphics tablet a couple of weeks ago. I have noticed recently that my laptop was experiencing a bit of slowdown and I was starting to consider the need to get a proper desktop to replace it. Then I started getting unusual interference from my graphics tablet, and I became concerned there was an issue with connection. I tried various things, including getting a new cable for the tablet, replacing the laptop battery, updating and reinstalling drivers but in the end the problem seemed to be the hdmi port in the laptop itself. And so I bit the bullet and now I have a new ASUS desktop with all the trimmings. In some ways I wish I had done this before, and now that I have all the software here I can work on art again. Losing a week in work time has been a pain though, and now I’m catching up with commissions before I head off to Glasgow for ACME! I’ll be at ACME on the weekend of the 28th-29th selling my comics and shabbits in their Comic Village at table CVA03! I’m really looking forward to being back in Glasgow and looking forward to having a couple of days to explore and have fun. For more details about the convention see the links below.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

ACME Autumn Comic Con Autumn 28th-29th September – Glasgow SEC – Comic Village CVA03

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

News 10/08/2024

Firstly a big thank you to everyone who visited me last month at Hyper Japan. It was great meeting so many people and having a chance to share so much of my work. I got some very positive feedback about my comics and it makes me very excited to continue work on Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2. I have an upcoming event next weekend at the Cartoon Musuem, where I will be running a table as part of their small press event on Saturday 17th August. I will have the table between 12 and 1.30 and I’ll be selling copies of all my comics, plus Shabbit merchandise such as the Shabbit plushie and the new Shabbit tote bag. If you’re in the area please stop by and say hi! For more details see the link below.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Small Press Day – Cartoon Museum – Saturday 17th August 2024 12.00-1.30pm ACME Autumn Comic Con Autumn 28th-29th September – Glasgow (More details will be announced closer to event)

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

News 09/07/2024

A quick update, as there’s been a couple of changes to plans since my last update a few months ago. First I will say that progress on the Shabbit side of things has been a little slow, but I have some big things coming soon (hopefully in time for Hyper Japan). I don’t want to give too much away but this little promo is a new piece of merch that I will excited to debut. The Yokai March book I had plans to debut has been postponed. In the end I ran out of time to get the writing done, and I didn’t want to rush the process and bring out a substandard book. I hope to continue working on it after Hyper Japan, and then I can debut it at another show later in the year. I also want to sell more of my other yokai work to make room for the new. I’ve put a few more events up. As well as doing Hyper Japan later this month, I am happy to say that I will be returning to Glasgow in September to sell my works. I’ve always wanted to do another convention up there and I look forward to seeing more of the city again. I’ve also signed up for Megacon London next year to go alongside Megacon Dublin, which is always a blast!

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Hyper Japan London 19th -21st July 2024 – Table A031, National Hall Gallery 1st Floor ACME Autumn Comic Con Autumn 28th-29th September – Glasgow (More details will be announced closer to event)

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

Megacon London 25th-26th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time

News – 12/04/2024

Greetings! There’s been quite a few things happening these past few months, including a trip out to India and Sri Lanka as part of a family wedding event. Both were new countries for me and I had a great time, even if I did have my phone stolen at the very end. Since I got back at the end of February I have been busy sorting out things in my life and getting back into commissions to get some income in. However, I will be getting into more of my own work too, especially as I get closer to my next big convention: Hyper Japan 2024! Before that though, I am happy to announce that I will be involved in the upcoming Manga Cafe Takeover event happening in London on Saturday 27th April. Here I’ll be presenting a yonkoma and giving a little introduction along with other manga artists, and encouraging the audience to produce their own comics for the events. If you’re in London on that Saturday please check us out and follow the link here for tickets Looking ahead, here are my plans for the next few months:
  • A new Yokai March book that will complete the series. A lot of Yokai March material, including the old print series, is going to be retired to make room for more original material, with more focus on both Visions of the Phantomfield and East of the Moon.
  • Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2 is currently being thumbnailed. My aim is to have it ready for October this year, which means I will need to speed up a little bit, but I would like to produce at least one of these books a year to keep the series rolling.
  • New Shabbit merchandise to compliment the books. My aim is to have some new merch ready for Hyper Japan in July. I am still finalising which pieces will go through, but I will be announcing more of them in the next few weeks.
  • More of Counting Shabbits to be uploaded here on
That’s all for now, I look forward to sharing more soon.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Manga Moo: The Manga Cafe Takeover Saturday 27th April – Get tickets here Hyper Japan London 19th -21st July 2024 – More details Coming soon

Megacon Dublin 18th-19th January 2025 – More details will be announced in time


26/01/2024 – Catching up and plans for the future

Just a quick update after my latest conventions at Megacon London and Megacon Ireland. The latter was a big success and it was great to see familiar faces again. Unfortunately I’m still recovering from some convention flu, and next month I’ll be away for a big family vacation so things will slow down a little. I do have some big plans though. Already I have the working script for Visions of the Phantomfield Book 2, which will introduce a brand new dilemma for Capri and Lévi, and start them on a brand new adventure. Could this be the result of Capri’s mysterious request at the end of Book 1? You will have to wait and see ^^ As well as Phantomfield I will be looking to round off Yokai March with my final set of Yokai that will make up the second Ghostly Journey book. I hope to have these on display next March and that will allow me to get properly started on the book, which I hope to have ready either my May or July at the latest when we get Hyper Japan! I’ll be posting more updates as we get closer to conventions later this year. I will be hopefully posting more of Visions of the Phantomfield on this site, but for now progress is a little slow while I sort other stuff out. Thank you to all those who have been supporting my work and for the nice comments I’ve been getting about the new comic, it means a lot!  

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Hyper Japan London Summer 2024 – More details Coming soon

News 21/11/2024 – Black Friday Sale + Updates

Hello! I have a couple of new updates to share. Firstly I am happy to announce that the Black Friday sale has just started on my Etsy with 25% off when you spend £10 or more. This offer is available until the 28th November, so it’s a great chance to pick up some comics and prints, including the new Visions of the Phantomfield physical comic! I have a bunch of new updates planned for this website, including putting the Counting Shabbits comic on here. I am also moving away from twitter to try and build a new following on blsky, so if you are on this social media platform please follow me Also I have updated my events to included Hyper Japan for next year! More details will arrive soon!

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Megacon London 13th-14th January 2024 – Excel Centre   Megacon Dublin 20th-21st January 2024 – RDS Dublin   Hyper Japan London Summer 2024 – More details Coming soon

19/10/2023 – Malta Comic Con Confirmation and Shabbit Comic Physical Incoming

Hi everyone. This has come out quite a bit later than I would have liked, but this past month has been a bit up and down for me. I have had to take some time away from art for dealing with family matters. While I’m now getting a handle of things I am also catching up with art and preparing for my next convention in Malta! Yep, I am confirming that I am returning back to Malta Comic Con as an exhibitor there from the 28th-29th October! I’m looking forward to sharing my new Shabbit comic, which should be arriving in print form tomorrow! For those who can’t wait to get a copy, I will be putting them on Etsy later on this weekend and I will take orders for a few days before I head out to the convention.

Upcoming events (confirmed)

Malta Comic Con 28th-29th October 2023 – MFCC in Ta’ Qali Megacon London 13th-14th January 2024 – Excel Centre Megacon Dublin 20th-21st January 2024 – RDS Dublin

About Us

DreadLévi Studios is a one man studio producing unique manga and illustrations.